Land Referencing Services

Land Referencing

Unlock your land's potential

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Acting as the foundation from which all successful infrastructure and regeneration projects are delivered, Land Referencing is an essential early stage in a project life cycle. 

As one of the leading Land Referencing providers within the UK and Ireland, Ardent has extensive experience in identifying and consulting with affected parties in relation to land ownership and occupation. Whether your project is a large-scale infrastructure scheme or a localised development, our services will support the full land acquisition process, offering high-quality and reliable advice to meet the unique requirements of your project. 

Supported by a large team of land specialists, Ardent has unrivalled experience in delivering complex and detailed land-referencing projects, drawing on our extensive knowledge to mitigate any risks to the success of your development.

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Expert Land Referencing & DCO Support for Major Infrastructure Projects

We’re proud to have delivered on over 75 successful DCO projects across the UK, offering a unique conception-to-completion service that includes:

  • Application of a robust land referencing methodology to demonstrate diligent enquiry ahead of public consultation and application submitting
  • Our best-in-class bespoke geospatial database- Atlas, tailored to support a range of land activities through the entire life-cycle of major projects.
  • Use of Requests for Information (RFIs) and Land Interest Questionnaires (LIQs)
  • Complex Land Registry title interpretation
  • Land Data management
  • Production of statutory compliant Books of Reference and Compulsory Purchase Order Schedules
  • Land Plans, Order Plans, Deposited Plans, Crown Land and Rights of Way Plans
  • Securing Land Access for surveys
  • Statutory Consultation notices under the Planning Act
  • Statutory acquisition notices such as Notices to Treat, Notices of Entry, Notices of Intention and General Vesting Declarations
  • Preparation, placing and monitoring of site notices using mobile technology
  • Land referencing experts at hearings or Public Inquiries
  • Bespoke plans for Land & Works Agreements
  • Consultation & Landowner Engagement services
  • Support through the Optioneering process
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Land Referencing Services

GIS & Plan Production

Complementary to our Land Referencing services is our highly skilled team of GIS and CAD technicians. Our experienced team has delivered a vast range of statutory plans across numerous applications along with ancillary plans to support agreements, land acquisition, and reporting survey access. WebApp Advanced WebApp, available across all mobile devices, enables land referencers to collate data on site, and geo-reference any issues or constraints in real time. The use of this technology supports statutory notice monitoring, survey access and creates a robust audit trail.

Notice Serving

Notice service is a requirement throughout all statutory application procedures. Ardent has extensive experience in preparing and issuing acquisition notices in all relevant forms, including Development Consent Orders (DCO), Transport and Works Act (TWA) Orders, Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPO), Hybrid Bill, and Exercising of Compulsory Purchase Powers.

Survey Access

From small local developments to large-scale national projects such as HS2, Ardent have considerable experience in gaining access to land. Whether it be informal walkover ecology surveys or intrusive investigations requiring formal licences such as ground investigation works or archaeological trial trenching, our land teams will work with you to obtain the specific access required. We frequently engage with affected landowners, implementing the most efficient and effective practices to ensure the continuation of your development.

Contact Our Land Referencing Experts

Fill in the form below or scroll down to reach our land referencing specialists directly. With over 75 successful DCO projects and a highly experienced team, we’re here to support your project and minimise risks. Get in touch today.

Contact us

Charlotte Potts

Charlotte Potts

Senior Associate Director, Land Referencing

t: 07766 305 109email me
Mike Crowther

Mike Crowther

Managing Director, Land Referencing

t: 07760 398 495email me
Pete Mills

Pete Mills

Senior Associate Director, Land Referencing

t: 07824 326 241email me
Sukhdip Somal

Sukhdip Somal

Senior Associate Director, Land Referencing

t: 07775 024 234email me

What our clients have to say

On appointment Ardent took the reins immediately, working within tight deadlines and carefully handling issues and objections. I have every confidence in the team, which is professional and offers specialist advice based on excellent experience and a strong track record.

Project Director

With more complex CPO sites Richard Caten of Ardent has provided strategic and in depth knowledge and experience of the available options. This positive approach has given us excellent results and value for money.


Head of Strategy and Estates

The team at Ardent consistently meets our expectations and often exceeds them. They take the time to think beyond the brief to bring more value or find a solution that delivers time and cost benefits. They are committed to getting the job done.


The Ardent team were employed by the innovative Bank Station Capacity Upgrade (BSCU) project in 2015 to support the London Underground team and lead land owner negotiations and objection management for the Transport & Works Act application. Richard Caten subsequently acted as our Land and Property expert witness.

The project operates an alliance partnership working environment which was fully embraced by the whole Ardent team with them becoming integral to overall project team. Lucy Dunglinson offered a seamless service with an ongoing landowner Case Management service minimising risk to the project as it moves from consent into construction.

BSCU is an extremely complex and challenging project in both land and engineering requirements and Ardent have been an invaluable part of the solution.

Senior Project Manager